Service Times

We would love to have you come out and join us at one of our many worship and service opportunities. Below are the times of our regularly scheduled meeting times.

Sunday Worship Times

Small Groups (aka: Sunday School) 9:45am - We have classes for all ages from babies to senior adults. 

Morning Worship 10:30am - Please come out and join us as we worship Jesus Christ through music, prayer, giving, and the preaching of God's Word.

Evening Worship/Bible Study 6:00pm - Youth meet from 5-6 pm for devotion and recreation then are encourged to join their family in Worship in church sanctuary. Families are encouraged to come and worship together and participate in Bible Study


AWANA 6:20pm - Kids, ages 2-High School, love our AWANA program! Here they learn about God through Scripture memory, Bible Study and workbooks to use at home to reinforce the lesson. Kids earn "bucks" by participating in our AWANA program that they can use at the AWANA Store to buy fun items. The AWANA ministry starts in September and runs through May of each year.

Adult Bible Study - 6:30 pm